Sid's Scribble

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Walk, jog, buy a cycle and bicycle!

November 30th, 2008
The People's Plaza

It is the morning of the Hyderabad 10K Run. Huge crowds cheering the participants who have come from all walks of life and most of whom surely don't have the experience of running long distances.

Delayed by an hour, the 10K run was flagged off and off we went to conquer the 10 KM stretch of road circling the Hussein Sagar Lake.

Honest confession: I am in shape. Round is a shape. But I am in a shape that some people classify as "bad", though frankly, I think it may be mass hysteria.

Panting, frequent stops, motivational punch-lines and looking out for friends who had fallen behind got me through most of the race. Yes, with a smirk, I am happy (politically incorrect as I may be) to say that there were others who were unable to do as well as I was doing. That was enough to propel my screaming muscles through the initial half of the race.

Panting, even more frequent stops, more motivational punch-lines from dried mouths and parched lips, and waiting for friend who had fallen way, way, behind got me through the rest of the race. Yes, with a hungry stomach and a sense of achievement, I was happy(now, this is definitely politically correct) that I made a heroic effort at running continuously for more than just a few minutes at a stretch.

In under two hours, I finished the race, thanks mostly to my friends who cooperated with me and challenged me intermittently. The energy spent called for a hearty breakfast but the tiredness and hunger were not enough to stop us from sneaking away to watch a movie and have a little fun. Our official Hyderabad 10K run T-Shirts got us many glances from other movie-goers. Heh.

I think the effort was worth it, not necessarily for the cause that the race stood for (I, for one, believe more action is needed than citizen races to achieve what the race organizers advertised as the aim of the run.) but personally, I needed to get a push and get in a shape which people classify as not "bad". (Body shape called "superb", here I come...)

Anyways, this one experience (and the sweet body pain that lasted the whole week) was enough to ignite the fire of physical fitness + adventurous activities + "doing something new" in us.


December 6th, 2008
A market near our house

Three of us are at a bicycle shop. Surprised? Well, we can't really help it if people are amazed at our abilities. Sorry, I forgot that I am a modest guy. So, we are out to purchase bicycles. Other friends tried their best to de-motivate us (as if that's possible) but we stood firm on our resolutions. We were at the threshold of a new life. A life full of energy, adventure and sheer coolness  ("awesomeness" would have also sounded good here.)

So we bought three Firefox Fusions worth 8K a piece. Lightweight body, 6 gears, front shockers, no mud-guards or silly stuff like that. Yes, really, we did it. There is no need for any more explanation, right?

SPOILER ALERT!!! - Those of you reading this, who think they know the end of the story (with a smirk and words to the effect of: "Another bunch of losers who overestimate their capabilities") are in for a major anti-climax.


December 7th, 2008
8.5 miles of road

3 good friends are jogging their way to the Osman Sagar Lake. 3 of us future long-distance cycling champions (it never hurts to dream big!) are in tow, spinning the peddles from our home to the famous Osman Sagar Lake at 7 in the morning.

We covered the distance in an hour (8.5 mi = 13.6 KM approx.) At the Lake, we enjoyed a good sleep on rock stones and had a hearty breakfast at a nearby resort. It felt great to be at a quiet, serene place.

The return journey was slightly more difficult (it was about mid-noon and the sun was directly above us.) But as you must have come to expect by now, we are not really fettered that easily. Okay, I was panting most of the way but that doesn't really take away any coolness. It just doesn't, okay?

Home was a sweet, sweet sight. A few slices of pizza and a scoop of ice cream, home delivered thanks to the modern day free market, and it was time for a good siesta.

I warned you pessimists, this wasn't going to end the way you thought it would end! ;)

So this is how our first adventure on our spanking new bicycles took place. Hoping for many more such events.

Road to ISB

On 9th November, I was interviewed by the Indian School of Business for the Class of 2009-2010. I had applied in the first round (deadline 15th September, 2008) and was invited for an interview at 1230 hours on 9 Nov., 2008 at the ISB Campus in Hyderabad. Those interested in the questions may directly skip the next three paragraphs.

First, I'll let you know my profile: I work as a software development engineer for a dream software company and located in Hyderabad. I have been working here since May 2007 (first and only job and 18 months experience as of writing this post.) My GMAT score is 760 and my extra-curricular activities amount to what I'd call ordinary (experience as Class Representative, Placement Coordinator, worked with a couple of NGO's in different manners and a Consultant to an Educational Academy for a few months). My academic achievements are good - topper throughout including special recognition at the workplace during the job.

Before the interview, I was given the word "Apply" to write a 100-word essay on. I could go on to speculate about the intent behind this but it would suffice to say that I wrote what I'd write any day. I presented my opinion that the human race can attribute all its achievements to the "application" of new ideas, thoughts, discoveries and experiments and that we are where we are due to the application of all the knowledge we have gained.

Soon after, I was invited inside the interview room. The interview panel was composed of three people. The Senior Director of Admissions at ISB immediately started off with these words:

Q: "Siddhartha, we'll put you into a spot right away: You have an experience of only 1.5 years so far. The average number of years of industry experience for ISB students is 4 to 5 years. We think that you should wait for 3 years before applying again at ISB. How do you justify your applying here right now?"

A: Answered with a quality vs. quantity approach. I let them know the non-academic work I have done during college and some of the exceptional work I have done at my workplace when I went beyond the call of duty. To me, I said, its important to make a move for what I want rather than wait for something to happen.

Q: Reworded: Tell us about your academics, GMAT, workplace achievements.

A: Answered with data about my IIT JEE rank, admission offer from IIT, refusal of the offer to take up course of interest at IIITM Gwalior, top grades throughout college, internship selection through a national level contest, pre-placement offer, achievements at workplace, recognition received etc. And oh yeah, the GMAT score too (though it was present in the application.)

Q: Reworded: Tell us about your interests and what you like to do in your spare time.

A: Told about my interest in reading books, especially Indian non-fiction, some blogging and poetry, cars (driving and reading about cars).

Q: Why Indian non-fiction? Are you not restricting yourself from reading English author's works?

A: I am always open to reading those works; in fact, I have read several works like the ones you mention. But I am eager to know more about my own country because even though I have lived here all my life and stayed in 7 different cities, I always am amazed by the amount of diversity I see. I surely want to know more about the country I belong to. At the same time, I am interested in knowing other cultures as well. So if you give me the choice of taking up one of two books, one each by an Indian author and a non-Indian author, I will first select the work of the Indian author.

With this, the interview came to an end. I asked them two questions: In the list of schools engaged for student-exchange programs, there are some colleges I am interested in but are which not present - is there a way to start an exchange-program with these schools? Got a negative response owing to resource constraint at the school (there are already 30+ schools in their list). Another question was about doing coursework out of that prescribed in the syllabus. Got a positive response that faculty availability was the only constraint for doing any credit-worthy studies a student might want to pursue.

All in all, I left with a positive feeling at having expressed all my thoughts just the way I felt them myself. Whether I am indeed a fit or not for the ISB class of 2009-2010 is something that is best left for the ISB AdCom to judge.


Received an acceptance call on 20th November. :)

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Sid's Treasure: The Beautiful One!

Do you meet people whom you can call beautiful? Do you get pleased after talking to someone just because he or she talked to you? Do you think everyone should be just like them?

True beauty. The one which causes you to pause and look at it. The one which forces you to think, "How can anyone be so beautiful?! (or great or awesome or wow.. whichever suits you)".

Obviously, it is not just the physical beauty. In fact, it's much more than that.

Do you know a beautiful person? I know a beautiful person. Beauty lies in all that she does.

Beauty lies in the way she talks. It lies in the way she frowns. It lies in the way she sleeps and it lies in the way she gets angry. Why, it even lies in the way she thinks!

Yes, she thinks beautifully. Pristine, innocent, pure. No hurt, no grudge, no pain for anyone. It's like the splash of clear drops of water from a mountain spring on the morning of a warm winter day. So pure that you just have to see them even as they rush away in all directions. You smile as the water drops play about you.

When she talks, sometimes I listen. Otherwise I see. The beauty in her expressions and the magic of her voice. Its pleasing just to make her speak more and more (selfish as it may be). Ever tasted honey with your ears?

I don't like to make her frown too much. That breaks the flow of words and I have to stop hearing for a little while. But it brings something beautiful in itself. Questions and queries reflect from her eyes as she struggles hard to search for the answer, like a mighty river barely held back by the choice of which path to take and raging to go ahead, even as it has to inspect all the possible ways. "What did he mean? Has he forgotten it? Why is he saying that?"

Which brings me to my own antics that (fortunately) give me a chance to take in more and more of her beauty every time I do something stupid. It's like you yourself don't care about anything you do, even if it may not be remotely grown up, as long as she's laughing on it. Sometimes you do certain things unknowingly and end up losing her touch. It's not good. I listen to her giggles, see her frown, understand her anger and feel her silence.

Yes, she gets silent. Imagine the pain for someone who is practically living on her voice when she is not with him. Multiplied because I myself have caused it. In the most saddening of ways I feel it then. What do you do when you are thrown into a dark cave from where you need to find your way out, but the darkness itself prevents you from doing anything.

But it's something that brings more than it takes away. It brings to me the remembrance of the promise I once made to her, which perhaps I have not been able to live up to. It brings to me the realization that she is hurt. It's stunning. It brings to me the craving to listen to her as soon as I can. Desperate to the point of begging silently.

She is a beautiful girl as I said, and a part of that beauty comes from her softness. Her silence is followed by the most beautiful voice I can think of. It's her. I believe it after a while. Talking to me. Melody verbalized.

I am glad to say though, that my girl does have a lot of patience. She glides through difficulties with nothing more than mere words of support. To her nothing is difficult to conquer. But I need to be with her. I know my beautiful girl is not invulnerable. She is well equipped in life but she needs a wing-man. She is whole but she is complete with me.

It's a matter of great luck to have her. She is the shining star in my life. She is worth it.

She is a woman. But she is also a child. She is intelligent. But she is sometimes silly. She is adventurous. But she is also prudent. She is dedicated. But she is mischievous at the most unexpected moments. She is artistic. But she is lazy as well. She is everything!

There are so many things I have not even mentioned here. I hope I can pen them down. Impossible as it is to express everything about her and for her, I do hope to make her read this and let others know about my angel. On Earth.

(I am wondering what look she will have in her eyes when she reads this. I want to be with her. I want to see the big eyes reflect my face. I want to see the wetness and pause it there. I want to be a part of what she thinks.)

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Time to move on

Guys, i hope this is not going to be another "duh, another guy who puts his personal diary entries online" blog :)

tried to put something in words down here..

Life's a journey,
Its meant to be,
That's the way it works,
Be sad or be happy.

Turns come, milestones go,
You decide, you sow,
you think and look,
Feelings swinging to and fro.

I have mixed feelings,
I see change coming,
Its not the first time,
That I'm sinking and rising.

Things are here,
I abhor and adore,
Is it easy to see,
Which matters more?

Time has come,
Change is in tow,
Have to make a move,
Life has a law.

It needs an embrace,
Must not be resisted,
I know deep inside,
That it needs to be trusted.

Wish however much,
It would be different,
Reality bites hard,
When you are resistant.

Its hard to control,
Feelings crowd the mind,
How can I let go?
The years have been a find!

The moment is here,
Truth has to be faced,
Do what you wish,
With happiness it must be laced.

Going, Leaving,
Forever or For long,
Are true and true,
Dear, but move along..

Stop it, pause it,
Get rid, give a vent,
Try, try and please try,
To live in the moment.

Don't clench,
Loosen your hold,
Let it flow,
Be bold.

Enter new territories,
Chart new ways,
You can do so only if,
Happiness pervades.

(pause for a second)

Fear, Sadness,
Nostalgia, Tears,
Are part of you,
and always found near.

Its important,
That you don't fight,
tears or yourself,
Its not right.

Don't subdue,
Kill or suffocate,
They ought to see light,
And then, they will create.

Arm yourself,
You are going to win,
Inspite of everything,
You can overcome that chagrin.

Be happy and hope,
For all new things,
New vistas, feelings,
and the new happenings.

After all, it will form,
A new period and time,
Of Life, Love,
And perhaps an innocent crime! :-)

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Just for you...

No one can have the moon, no one can have the sky,
Few people get it, no matter how hard they try,
But I consider myself lucky, because I have you,
A soul so pure, a heart so true.

I cannot imagine anyone paining you,
Your sadness would be mine too,
I just hope that you are happy every day,
As your smile never fails to make my day.

I cannot not tell you the things I feel,
What I tell you is absolutely real,
Giving you happiness is the best thing there is,
Because purer than a child's, that’s how your heart is.

Please never be sad and never feel that you're alone,
Just key in my number and use your phone,
When you are not with me, your presence I really miss,
Whatever happens, I'll be there to blow away your troubles with a kiss.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Mind over heart

Mind over heart

We often joke that God has made this world unfair. Either the girl/boy you are after doesn't like you, or you don't like the girl/boy who is after you. (Just choose the appropriate gender)... it is not entirely untrue. More than that, it is a general notion that men are bad, rather pathetic, at showing/observing/understanding emotions. 'Emotionless' as some would say, simply because there happens to exist another gender of the human species, called a 'female', which likes to breakdown at every available opportunity or show off how strong its vocal cords are at the most inopportune of times.

Sadly (happily, to be honest), men are left far behind when it comes to aggrandizing their emotions (of course, not deliberately). They'd rather be themselves and not create any hue and cry over trifles. Or maybe, they can't create any, thanks to their genetic makeup.

But disregarding the fact that men are as bad at remembering useless pieces of information, such as, first date or birthdays, or anniversaries, or places, or small gifts, or... etc. etc. as women are good at it, one fact clearly stands out. Its that women are definitely big emotional fools.

Now, now, don't run after me with discrimination lawsuits. Men are bigger fools, if anything. But thats not their fault. You could call Antarctica the top of the Earth or its bottom, it doesn't matter. I could call women more emotionally mature than men, if you want me to be politically correct. It has been my strange (obvious?) observation, that while men are desirous of trying to express themselves nicely, (a deliberate effort towards which is required only when they are in front of women), the female of the species doesn't even have to try.

While women have the capability of expressing their emotions perfectly well and in a totally controlled fashion, such an ability is actually required more by men. Why? in the extreme case, to carry on the cycle of life, if I may go to the extent of saying that, and in the mildest form, simply to connect better to the opposite sex.

Why, I've seen females who are unable to understand other peoples' emotions (even when its practically announcing itself), who cannot makeout any sort of indications from another guy, and I am not saying subtle ones, and who are all but unable to even consciously generate strong emotions.

Yeah, sure, I've just seen a fraction of humanity, lived for a small no. of years till now, and am a self confessed failure when it comes to showing/observing/understanding emotions. But I can't really reject things I see, can I?

Maybe its for some female to open up my eyes. Show me what other females do, emotionally speaking. Or maybe, its upto me to teach someone a thing or two about it.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Make up or live out?

Make up or live out?

I recently turned 21. Whoa! Sounds like I am pretty grown up, does it not? 21 years is quite an age… its three years into adulthood, an age which turns boys into men, an age at which one can marry and take up responsibility… of his soul mate and his family… maybe even start one. I know a guy heading a rs. 6000 crore business who is younger than I am. I’ve heard about men who have made it big into life before they’ve turned 21… or even 20. A lot of careers have taken shape before teenage has gotten over.

People who are 21 are thought of as mature. At the very least, they are expected to be confident of themselves; of being comfortable with their identities; being somewhat aware of their abilities and limits.

I find that I am still looking out for most of these. I think I’ve yet to do so many things, live out so many fantasies… get to know more people and get to know many people better, understand them… build up my principles when it comes to dealing with them.

I think I should’ve turned 21 later… somehow freeze time and do all the things. Not that it is an ‘old’ age. Nor is this a feeling of ‘having missed out’ as people who grow old feel. I think an age of 21 deserves more things to have been done before its arrival.

When I come to it, really… 21?! So soon? I still feel like a kid… With no real wisdom, living each day as it comes, completely absenting any plans from my life whatsoever, getting intimidated so damn easily, going gaga over frivolous things and getting overexcited over nothings at all really.

To be honest, I like it. Actually, I love it... I cherish this kid. Deep down inside, I know that I don’t want to grow up. Doesn’t real fun in life lie in being free, without boundaries, without concerns? Is their a better way to live… one that can be as enjoyable as a kid’s life?

Sometimes I feel that I should be more ‘rough-n-tough’, be more responsible and be able to take care of not just myself but also others who may need it. Yeah, nothing is wrong with that. But frankly, instead of just appearing rough and tough, I’d rather let myself become one with time. I hate to put up false appearances and hate those who put up one. I am the youngest one at home… in fact, youngest within my whole extended family, cushioned and kept in relative comfort of having nothing to look after. I’d like to change that, but that’s not top priority.

One ought to make up for things, but continue to look out for new ones. Confidence on one’s ability to tackle anything in life powers ambitions and fuels successes. It also gives you the power to get over defeats. Let’s go for that then. 21 or no 21, it’s only a statistic of age. What if one never really grows up? Keep the kid’s heart alive? Nurture that child in some hidden lobe of the brain? Sounds good to me!

Wednesday, October 05, 2005


  • Google and Sun team up

  • Google bidding to provide free Internet access in San Francisco

  • that Google has been making plans of buying unused fiber optic cables all over USA

  • Google recently bought an undisclosed stake in a Maryland startup, the Current Communications Group, which is trying to provide high-speed connections through power lines.

  • Google launched an effort to create digital libraries

  • Google unveils Instant Messenger cum Internet Telephony software

  • Google confirms development of online payment system

And finally,

  • The company has nearly $7.1 billion in cash, having just raised $4.17 billion in stock offering completed last month. That stock sale prompted several industry analysts to conclude Google might be preparing to build its own high-speed Internet network.

So, what is Google up to? It is spreading its arms and legs in a lot of directions. In fact, most of them are uncharted territories, where Google hopes to gain ground before anyone else does.

With all these new initiatives and a plan to build a million square feet complex a few miles from its existing headquarters, and plans to avail the services of NASA scientists, Google may be in the right position to challenge Microsoft as the dominant player in the PC market.

Its objectives though, remain obscure. Its not clear whether it is simply exploring different market segments, or is it pursuing a grand vision that no one outside the company knows.

Quote from a recent news article:
“Skeptics argue that Google could become the 21st century Icarus… a high flying company, brought down by its own weight.”

Google is ultimately, one the few companies with the potential and resources to dethrone Microsoft from its place. With Sun, it has already agreed to bolster the relations. And the potential of OpenOffice cannot be overestimated. In the search engine wars, it was already the king, and now it must be looking at content distribution services as well… on the lines of MSNBC or even an online music store like iTunes.

Its going to be an interesting ride for this 7-year-old startup worth an estimated $80 billion.