Sid's Scribble

Friday, September 30, 2005

Relatively Convenient

I have often wondered, what is the perception of the people regarding ‘convenience’. What do they think is ‘ease’? In my experience, there is nothing that can be called absolutely, as “convenience”. When people think they have found an easier way of doing some routine job, they may use the adjective “convenient” for it. And what they derive out of it is, well, convenience.

But for the modern day human, who is blessed with the power of science and technology, there always seems to be a scope for more and more convenience. What may have been convenient a couple of years ago, may seem highly inconvenient now. What was the solution of a problem some time ago, may itself seem to justify another solution for itself… albeit some time later.

Convenience, and to some extent, ease are relative terms. They are dependent on inconvenience and difficulty for their very existence. Convenience is nothing but the absence of inconvenience. And so is ease… it’s the lack of difficulty.

For a paraplegic, not being able to get around is inconvenience. But having a wheel chair for movement is convenience. If their hadn’t been any inconvenience, no question of convenience would ever arise!

In any situation, when people think there is inconvenience, they should try to remember the fact, that it is their mind, which is making the situation inconvenient. For an affluent person, not being able to use his car and being forced to use the public transport is highly inconvenient. But using the same public transport will be a highly convenient proposition for a poor person, who cannot afford his own means of transport to move around.

It finally boils down to a mental game. It’s the mind that makes or breaks the situation for a person… a true fighter is one who can train his mind to ignore the perceived inconveniences, to forget that the situation could be easier, to drop the idea that he or she should have more convenience… that he or she deserved more ‘convenience’ or ease.

Only when realizes, that inconvenience is the absence of convenience and nothing else… that the job is not impossible even though it might be inconvenient. And the thought of impossibility looms large mainly because of that 1.4 kg of pinkish matter up there.


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